I will be speaking/have spoken at:
*Culture in/and crisis? : Fifth UNeECC Annual Conference (27-28 October 2011), Lessius Antwerp, Belgium
-28 October between 10-12 hours. (presentation of research on the role and place of the sacred in transgressive, contemporary art and image)
*Dutch-Flemish day of philosophy, Technical University of Delft (Netherlands), 31 October 2011.(presentation of research on the role and place of the sacred in transgressive, contemporary art and image)
*Has beauty burned her face? -On violence and transgression in art and culture/ Heeft Schoonheid haar gezicht verbrand? - Over geweld en transgressie in kunst en cultuur
Lecture at the School of Comparative Philosophy, University of Antwerp (Campus 3 Eiken), Building R, 1st floor (10u00 - 12u40, 14u15 - 16u30), 2 june 2012
In de ogen van Medusa: geweld en verlies in westerse, postmoderne cultuur en hedendaagse kunst (drie lezingen op 12 september, 19 september, 26 september 2012 om 19u30 te Leuven) /Into the eyes of Medusa : violence and loss in western, postmodern culture and contemporary art (three lectures on 12th of september, 19th of september and 26th of september 2012 at the Lemmensinstitute in Leuven)
Presentation at TEDxUtrecht (8th of november, city theatre in Utrecht) : 'Into the eyes of Medusa: ugliness and savagery in art as a crisis of the sacred in aesthetics?'
Eros and the vulnerable man: synthesis and conclusion: Selm Wenselaers, Dimitri Goossens, Suzanne Grotenhuis (The eternal struggle of Eros), lectures, 23 February 2013, 20u00/ Eros en de kwetsbare mens: synthese en slot : Selm Wenselaers, Dimitri Goossens, Suzanne Grotenhuis (De Eeuwige Strijd van Eros), Lezingen, 23 februari 2013, 20u00 www.hetzoekendhert.be Filosofiehuis Het zoekend hert, Koninklijkelaan 43, 2600 Berchem
'The Labyrinth of Eros' @ Filosofiehuis 'Het Zoekend Hert', 26 March 2013.
Summer of Darkness Café @ Tivoli (Spiegelzaal), Utrecht, 11 May 2013. Lecture on the link between death and art (focus on symbols of death : the corpse and the skull).http://www.tivoli.nl/agenda/3359/Summer-Darkness-Cafe-1 (to read more about subject)
Summer of Darkness Festival @ Utrecht, 26 July 2013. Performance about horror, morality and humanity. Mr. Octavio Aion, a serial killer, reflects on what it means to be a monster, what horror is like, and how to escape our western urge for immortality.....from the impossibility of escaping the fact that a caught serial killer becomes....immortal.
Summer of Darkness Festival @ Utrecht, 28 July 2013, Lecture on the link between death and art (focus on symbols of death : the corpse and the skull)
Seminar on Georges Bataille: Georges Bataille: in the eye of the impossible (School for Comparative Philosophy, Antwerp, 5th of October 2013) http://www.scfa.be/kalender/2013/5-oktober/seminarie/georges-bataille-het-oog-van-het-onmogelijke
Lecture at a Conference of Domus Medica, Topic of the conference : loneliness, my contribution: Art and loneliness: an aporetic situation, 6th of October 2013, http://www.domusmedica.be/vorming/medisch-psychologisch-weekend/2013-06-25-11-31-43/programma.html, Floréal Blankenberge, 9u00.
Lecture at conference of OZSW (Nederlandse Onderzoeksschool Wijsbegeerte), 16 November 2013, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, 'Death and the image : a plea for an aesthetics of shock'
Discussion of 'Adem' (theatre play by Braakland/Zhebilding) @ OPEK Leuven, 18 October 2013, approximately 22u00.
Georges Bataille en het onmogelijke ogenblik van de scheur : sacraliteit en transgressie (Doelenzaal, Universitaire bibliotheek van Universiteit van Amsterdam, 26 februari, 19u30) (lecture)
The gaze and the photograph : spectres and the voyeur (Lezing voor vernissage van werk van Rob Mellink e.a. op 24 april te Nijmegen)
Host in 'Fans of Flanders' (tv-program), section 'Once upon a time'
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